Bali Real Estate Glossary of Terms
This article is simply a guide to real estate terms often used in Indonesia and their English equivalent (which in some cases, can be difficult to find), and should be used as a basic reference to some but not all elements of real estate prior to any property dealings.
However, we do recommend that before taking on the task of buying or selling your property, that you acquire the expert advice of a lawyer, property consultant or speak with a notary, who can assist you further and give you professional legal advice.
- Sertifikat Hak Milik (SHM)
- Freehold certificate of ownership, only for Indonesian nationals
- Hak Pakai
- Renewable Right of Use certificate of ownership (over a SHM certificate)
- Hak Sewa
- Leasehold certificate of ownership
- Hak Guna Bangunan (HGB)
- The rights given to a registered company, including PMAs, to use and develop land for commercial purposes
- PMA – (Penanaman Modal Asing)
- An Indonesian foreign owned entity, which can be 100% owned by foreigners.
- Pondok Wisata
- License to rent out a small property or homestay with up to 5 bedrooms
- Melati Hotel
- Hotel license over 5 bedrooms
- Izin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB)
- Essentially the building permit that also serves as a registration document for the building
- Calon Berdasar Surat Kuasa
- Nominee based on Power of Attorney
- Notaris/PPAT (Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah)
- Notary Public/Land Titles Registrar – A public official who is authorized by the state to make a deed of transfer of land and the deed of assignment of land rights according to laws and regulations
- Tata Ruang – Spatial/Zoning
- Zoning regulates the uses to which land may be put, or it may regulate building height, lot coverage and similar characteristics or a combination of these
- Units of measurement
- 1 Are = 100m2
10 Are = 0.1 Hectare
10 Are = 1000 Square Meter
10 Are = 0.2471 Acre
10 Are = 10763.9104 Square Foot
10 Are = 1195.547 Square Yard
100 Are = 1 Hectare - Banjar
- Community Level, Local Governance Council of Bali
- Tanah Adat (Adat Land)
- Unregistered land not covered by The Basic Agrarian Law of 1960
- Joglo
- A type of traditional vernacular house of the Javanese people (Javanese omah). The word joglo refers to the shape of the roof
Bali Property Taxation
- Pajak Bumi Banguanan (PBB)
- Land & building tax
- Nilai Jual Objek Pajak (NJOP)
- Sale value of the property/Tax object sale value
PBB rate is as follows:NJOP VALUE PBB Less than IDR 200 million (USD 14,331.78) 0.01% IDR 200 million–2 billion (USD 14,331.78–143,317.81) 0.1% IDR 2–10 billion (USD 143,317.81–716,589.04) 0.2% Above IDR 10 billion (USD 716,589.04) 0.3% - Bea Perolehan Hak Atas Tanah & Bangunan (BPHTB)
- Individuals or companies obtaining rights to land or buildings are required to pay a Land and Building Transfer Duty of 5%
Property Value
IDR 2,300,000,000 Less: Tax-Exempt Amount IDR 80,000,000 = Taxable Value IDR 2,220,000,000 Tax on Acquisition of Land and Building 5% 111,000,000.00
Government Administration Offices
- Dinas Cipta Karya
- Department of Human Works District Badung
- Dinas PU Departemen Perkerjaan Umum
- Department of Public Works
- Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah (Bappeda)
- Regional Development Planning Agency
- Dinas Tata Ruang Kota & Pemukiman
- Office of City Planning & Settlements
- Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN)
- National Land Agency
- Notary/Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (PPAT)
- Notary Public
- Sekaha Subak
- Agricultural Association in Bali
As we are not qualified legal advisers, we can only provide a general guideline to some of the terms often used in Bali real estate.
If you wish further information, we recommend that you contact a Lawyer/legal adviser or speak with a notary, who can help to answer any legal questions which you may have.